Who WE Are

WE believe passionately every summer evening should include family, friends, stellar sunsets and creating memories with a WE ice in hand.
WE quality
WE have mastered our crazy recipes with industry no-nos. WE top our treats with melted vanilla ice cream, caramel, chocolate and whip. Our syrups are made fresh daily. WE avoid added perseverative at all costs.
When you visit a WE ice it’s our hope that you have more then a WE ice you experience a total moment at our lil’ WE ice trailer.
WE family
WE believe WE can all be apart of the WE ice family. Each time you share your moments at WE ice with a picture, a post or through kind words, you are called WE ice family.
As family, WE commit to you that our crazy recipes will always hit the spot and WE will love you even if you only want a naked Blue Raspberry!
WE love
WE know that WE must give love to get love and that’s why we are in the business of making amazing treat to go along with your amazing moments.
From weddings to fundraisers it’s always about your moments. WE want the world to be a little sweeter with one WE ice at a time.
So next time you are in the neighborhood, come on down to our lil’ WE ice trailer and enjoy a Happy Traveler, a Sucker Punch, a Southern Belle, a sweet Lyndee County Fair or maybe a naked Blue Raspberry.
Lesson #614 Never say no to whip!

The Menu and locations

The WEice™ menu and locations change daily, and can be found here on the WEice™ website, as well as the WEice™ Facebook page.
WEice™ stands apart from typical frozen desserts, as the temperatures & actual process of obtaining a Southern shave is what gives WEice™ it's uniquely delightful creamy texture.
Gluten-Free | Dairy-Free Options
In addition to the happening locations, WEice™ is also available for weddings & events. Be sure to drop us a message or visit our Events page to inquire about your special get-together.
WEice™ would LOVE to be a part of your greatest memories!